Benefits of Carrots for Health and Reduce the Risk of Breast Cancer

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Benefits of Carrots for Health and reduce the risk of breast cancer
The benefits of carrots are very diverse, not only for health but also can be used for various other needs, Carrots are a highly nutritious vegetable. Carrots are widely known as a source of vitamin A, it has a myriad of other benefits. Of course if this orange colored vegetables, consumed regularly. Just as the benefits of fruits and vegetables in general, the benefits of carrots is also very much for the health of the human body.

Before listening to the various benefits of carrots, it's good on a variety of nutrients that are contained in it.

Nutrient content of Carrots

According to the US department of agriculture, a medium-sized carrot or ½ cup chopped carrots can be considered as one serving. A serving of carrots contains 25 calories, 6 grams carbohydrates, 3 grams of sugar and 1 gram of protein.

Carrots are rich in vitamin A

Carrots are most foods rich in vitamin A, providing approximately 210% of the needs of adults per day. Carrots also contain 6% of the requirement of vitamin C, 2% of calcium and 2% of the iron requirement per portion.


These vegetables contain antioxidants beta-carotene that makes carrots orange color is bright enough. Beta-carotene is absorbed in the intestine and is converted into vitamin A during digestion.

Vitamin and Mineral

Carrot is a vegetable that is very super, it also contains fiber, vitamin C, potassium, folate, manganese, phosphorus, magnesium, vitamin E and zinc which is needed by the human body.

In addition to high nutrient, of carrot is also a reliable source of health, what are the benefits?

Benefits of Carrots reduce the risk of breast cancer

In the carrot contains carbohydrate, phosphorus, beta carotene which makes it very good for health. Beta-carotene, a powerful believed to prevent the body against cancer. Research shows that people who eat carrots 2 times a day, can reduce 17% risk of breast cancer.

Other studies have also shown that carrots can reduce the risk of lung cancer, breast cancer and colon cancer. Researchers found the substance falcarinol and falcarindiol which is an anticancer agent.

Falcarinol is a natural pesticide produced by carrots that protects the roots from fungal diseases. Carrots are one of the only sources of vegetables that have these substances. A third study showed a lower risk of cancer than rats who ate carrots.

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